About For The Name:

How does ForTheName work?

First we use an algorithm to determine the pronunciation of your name. Other sites usually just translate individual letters. ForTheName finds a more accurate version of your name by using how your name sounds. We then use rule-based algorithms to transfer that pronunciation into the writing system of that language.


Any translations of your name are licensed under cc by-sa 3.0. Feel free to share and adapt them for any purpose, as long as you give credit to this site. If you are interested in another license type, let us know.

Javscript code and webfonts are copyright, except where specified otherwise in libraries.


We're slowly adding languages to this service. If you have a specific language or writing system you'd like to see, let us know so we can adjust our priority accordingly.


Let us know if you see a bug.

More Technical details?

We use a standard lexicon from CMU Speech. It has been trained on standard english corpus, so some names it may try to pronounce as words instead of as names. We use javascript to parse and iterate through the LTS state machine to find the pronunciation.

We compact the pronunciation into sounds allowed in the language. Individual languages then use different rulesets based on the writing system. For some, it is a simple one to one sound to writing segment. For others, such as Mayan, the writing style is a puzzle the algorithms solve how to put the individual pieces into place.